Transform MS is a Community Interest Company working globally to use its expertise and collaborations to transform the impact of measurement science.

Transforming Measurement Science.
Maximising the value of clinical research.
Minimising the impact of disease.
“Launching Transform MS enables our group to make advances in Measurement Science whilst, at the same time, protecting resources and time to invest in projects that minimise the impact of disease”
— Professor Jeremy Hobart
Welcome to the Transform MS website
We hope to develop the website to give you a sense of who we are, our partners and networks, the services and products we can offer and – most importantly – how all of that helps the Multiple Sclerosis community.
Please use the links above to access sections of interest.
Information on how to license our Patient Reported Outcome measures, including the MSIS-29, MSWS-12, can be found in the PROMs/Scales section.
We would be delighted to hear from you if you are interested in our company and projects or have suggestions on how we can improve the website please visit the Contact us page.
Featured Case Studies
The South West MS Network is a collaborative project focussed on the support the MS community through out the whole of Devon and Cornwall.
With Professor Hobart as a founding member, Transform MS has been at the forefront of a number of key projects within this global initiative.
Members of our team have been at the heart of a new and exciting initiative to tackle current challenges faced by Multiple Sclerosis services across the UK – "Transforming MS for All".